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  • Security Officers and Crowd Controllers

  • Protecting the security and financial interests of an organization is crucial to the smooth running of any business. Every business leaves a footprint upon society and the surrounding environment that is unique yet shares commonality with businesses generally. Corporate Shadows understands this and evaluates the entire security and protection landscape relevant to each of its clients’ needs. We then go on to develop security management plans to incorporate all relevant aspects of the analysis or footprint of the clients business.

    When it comes to our people solutions, we only utilise licensed security officers that incorporates a wide cross section of community, ranging from young people just starting their careers, individuals new to Australia to experienced former military and/or law enforcement personnel. The way forward in ensuring we meet our client’s security needs is with site specific standards and procedures for a multitude of security functions that generally fall into three (3) categories:

    • Training, supervision & on-going support.
    • Scheduled monitoring & review – including the evaluation of performance, understanding of task, responsiveness, and overall professionalism of our people and our services, and
    • Research & expansion of security services where necessary that mirrors the growth or needs for the smooth running of the business. This may also include introduction or replacement of technologies appropriate for the advancement in security practices aimed at cost effectiveness.
  • It is the effective management of these three security functions that directly impact on the success of any security team. In addition, maintaining stability requires stakeholders’ depth of knowledge, insight and collaboration to ensure our security arrangements do not impact the business in an adverse way. To ensure we can provide the wide range of services needed for today's industries, we provide personnel in the following areas:

    Physical Overt Security Services

    • Static Uniformed Officer Guarding – adhoc or long term engagements
    • Crowd Controllers for licenced venues & public events (including first aid responders)
    • Uniformed Loss Prevention Officers, and


    Physical Covert Security Services

    • Static plain clothed (business attire) Officer Guarding 
    • Specialised Covert Issues Management (Scrutiny of client premises due to ongoing security/crime issues etc.)
    • Plain Clothes/Undercover Loss Prevention Officers 


    When choosing to work with Corporate Shadows, you are working with:

    • A hands on management team that is available 24/7,
    • ASIAL - Silver Member (Australian Security Industry Association Limited), 
    • A security team with a variety of cultural backgrounds, and industry experiences,
    • Knowledge and experience gained from a diverse range of security assignments spanning 28 years, and
    • An effective Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015) with regular review, supervision and on-going client support.
  • Multi-use Discount: When combining a number of Corporate Shadows services, we would be pleased to offer you a discount as a way of saying thank you for your custom. Contact us for a no obligation quote on how we can we provide you with genuine savings.

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