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  • Security Risk Management Requirements

  • Protection of your assets should match up against the level of threat that may be perceived or actually accounted for within your current security provisions or mandates required by your specific industry. Whether emerging or current threats exist, Corporate Shadows can recommend the services of independent, fully licenced Security Risk Assessors for consulting support that will suit your actual and fiscal needs. Corporate Shadows does not provide a Security Advisory service however through our industry contacts, we only recommend experienced and fully insured individual advisors to provide a range of their service options that could include, but not limited to the following:  

    • Attendance all of your physical premises and undertake where appropriate, interviews of employees, review of protocols, procedures and safe practices in order to complete an initial vulnerability site-assessment. and report on those findings.
    • Formally report those findings in a detailed review of the vulnerability assessment that would also take into account employee safety and security processes, access control for pedestrian, vehicular traffic and supply chain access points, non-occupied high risk areas of the business to tactical placement of security personnel/technologies to advantage. 
    • Review the available physical and installed security systems against the provided physical security policy and procedural documentation. All reviews and recommendations should be subject to industry standards and best practice when measured against identified threats.
    • Crime reduction through Safer by design principles may also be applied to our assessment identifying issues such as access points and fencing concealed by shrubbery or other introduced elements, security ancillaries such as lighting, signage to ‘clear zones’ for CCTV coverage, employee identification tags, physical barriers etc. A Crime Prevention Strategy Through Environmental Design (CPTED) may also be achievable and recommended for your business and surroundings.
    • As part of those findings, an executive threat assessment may also be requested to reveal any potential threats involving individual’s families, private dwellings and travel routes.
    • Testing of employees for impairment (drug & alcohol) as part of a rigorous protection program may also be required and/or recommended. Policies and procedures may be developed by the indenpendent advisor to suit your business and industry mandates (and applicable industrial instruments).
  • Contact us for a no obligations quote on assessing your business Security needs. All assessments conducted by Independant (of Corporate Shadows) Licenced Security Advisors are to align with the Australian and New Zealand Standard for Risk Management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009), (OH&S AS/NZS 1801: 2105) & Environmental Management Systems (14001:2015).

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